Tuesday, September 29, 2015


The 1920s:

As we delve into the people, places, things, and events of the 1920s, your task with your partner is to complete research on your assigned topic and create a blog page including the following: 

  • A brief description/explanation of the event that includes at least 5 key ideas or details (can be bullets or paragraph form but should not be copied and pasted)
  • Which category your event fits under (Hedonism, Liberation, Anxiety, or Intolerance) and why
  • A quote and citation
  • Images, videos, music, etc.
  • A minimum of 2 sources in MLA format at the bottom of your page
  • You will be graded in accuracy and creativity (style, color, font, etc.)
  • Advanced: Complete further research to create a more in depth resource page including the information and MLA citation for one additional primary and the information and MLA citation for one additional secondary source.  This means you would have additional descriptions, quotes, explanations, citations.

Research Resource: Gale Research Database
  • Student Resources in Context
  • Research in Context