

Radio video link

Summary Of Radio - The radio was born in 1895, when Italian physicist and inventor Guglielmo Marconi  experimented with wireless telegraphy. The next year Marconi turned telegraph signals through the air from Italy to England. In 1897 Marconi founded his own company in London. In 1900 Marconi established the American Marconi Company. He continued making improvements, including sending out signals on different wavelengths so that multiple messages could be transmitted at one time without interfering with each other.The first trans-Atlantic message, from Cornwall, England, to Newfoundland, Canada, was sent and received in 1901.In 1906 the first radio broadcast of voice and music was made.During the trying times of the Great Depression (1929-1939), President Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945) spoke directly to the U.S. public using the new medium which broadcast his "fireside chats" from the White House. The radio fits in the Anxiety category because during the great depression it was helping people stay calm by listening to it and listening to coping music. “By 1929 Armstrong had successfully tested frequency modulation (FM), a new form of broadcasting in which the radio-wave frequency itself is varied to transmit the signal.” (Marconi pg.1)

Category - Radio fits in with anxiety category because

MLA Citation - "Radio." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History. Ed. Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Student Resources in Context. Web. 1 Oct. 2015.

"Radio Technology Booms in 1920s." DISCovering U.S. History. Detroit: Gale, 1997. Student Resources in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
“Jiggle a collection of electrons up and down one million times a second and a 1-megahertz radio signal will be created. Change the vibration frequency and the frequency of the radio signal will change.”
This quote shows how a radio signal is transmitted to another radio it is transmitted using electromagnetism and vibration frequency.

“The first commercial radio station was started by Dr. Frank Conrad, an engineer with Westinghouse in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.”  
The first radio station was created in the city we live in and is now known as KDKA.

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