The Flight of Charles Lindburgh

Charles Lindburgh 

Made flight from New York to Paris alone
b18905f8ea1a86a394a3d8d59e2bc732.jpg a distance of 3,610 miles, in 33 hours, 29 minutes, and 30 seconds.
Stayed up at 40 hours at time to prepare for the flight 
“Thirty-three and one half-hours and 3,500 miles later he landed in Paris, the first to fly the Atlantic alone.”  
Liberation, because he made new things possible for everyone. Since someone traveled for such a long time, it may have urged people to do it or gave them motivation.

Baby kidnapped and was known as the Crime Of The Century
body badly decomposed
partially buried
march 1st 1932 went missing - found may 12th 1932
Eventually had other children but moved to Europe for privacy  
Him having his son/daughter kidnapped would fit under Anxiety because it is something that ended up  scaring him and Anne (the mother), They ended up nervous.

N/A, “Lindbergh flies the Atlantic, 1927.” Charles Lindbergh An American Aviator. N/A. Web. 1 October 2015.
"Charles A. Lindbergh." UXL Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 1 Oct. 2015.

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